Friday 18 November 2011

Essay Plan

The Converging worlds of Literature and Film

*Address the historic idea of literature being converted into films.
Many examples of classical books that have been turned into films.

Paragraph 1:
* Classical literature that were being turned into films before e.g. Gone with the Wind, to The Great Gatsby.
* However today we have popular literature texts being converted into films e.g. Harry Potter, to Twilight, and even continuing on broadcast platform with books being converted into t.v series.

Paragraph 2:
Exploration of institutions:
* Institutions involved with turning literature into motion pictures. e.g Warner Bros, and how they decide to turn certain books into films.
* How the institution itself can make an impact on the film.
* How the conversion of certain books can impact the writer. e.g. J.K Rowling
Paragraph 3:
*How parts/characters are taken out or changed, and why they are changed in the film to suit the needs of the audience and make the films seem more enjoyable. Harry Potter, Twilight.
*Advantages and disadvantages. 

Paragraph 4:

* Impact on the audience. Does it promote people to read the book or does it just give people the easy option of knowing the "story" however through the eyes of the director that the author (not the original source).
Motive behind media institutions.

* The converging world of literature and films over time and its impact on the world. With Examples, Woman tattooed all 3 characters faces on her back!.

Mark Scheme: 

Level 4 :
Fluent analytical investigation, showing autonomy and critical perspective.
Extensive and wide range research, shown in bibliography (very detailed bibliography list)
range of academic media and contextual sources, sophisticated research  and engagement with primary text and secondary text.

Sophisticated knowledge and understanding of media concepts, context and critical debates. Work of contextualised study.
Good application of media concepts, contexts and critical debates.

1 comment:

  1. Where is your bibliography? - That should have been included here also.

    As we discussed, the mark scheme should be directed throughout the plan. Which parts of your work are a direct result of you addressing a section of teh mark scheme? You must know why you are doing certain things.

    Really looking forward to this.
